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Birthday discount

For your birthday, we give you a gift - a coupon for a 25% discount!

Fill out the form below and we will send you the coupon code, which will be in effect a week before and a week after your birthday. However, between coupon validity dates, you can book a flight with the discount for any available date.

Please select your flight
תאריך לידה

The offer for the frequent flying pilots

If this is not your first time visit of our simulator, you can now (from August 1, 2024) take advantage of our "every fifth hour for free" offer. To do this, you need to download and print the pilot's log book and ask our instructor to fill it out after each flight. After you pass the 4-hour flight, you need to e-mail us a photo of your logbook and we will send you a personalized coupon for a free one-hour flight.

*pilots log book without the instructor’s signature and company stamp is not valid.

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